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Whitelabel account approval Webhooks


๐Ÿ“˜ To learn more about webhooks in our API, follow the link below:

About Webhooks

When you create an account, you can use these webhooks that will be sent the moment the account is approved (WHITELABEL_CUSTOMER_APPROVED) or rejected (WHITELABEL_CUSTOMER_DOCUMENTATION_REJECTED)

Here's the simplest way to configure a these webhooks:


x-delbank-api-keyRequired. API key


"url": "", // Add your own URL here
"authorization": "NONE,
"authorizationScheme": "NONE"

Once an account is approved or rejected, here's what you are going to receive on the registered URL:

Account Rejectedโ€‹

"name": "Fulano da silva",
"document": "49126271869",
"bankAccountNumber": null

Account Approvedโ€‹

"name": "JOSEVALDO",
"document": "61263079091",
"bankAccountNumber": 13102

Here are the attributes that are passed by the WHITELABEL_CUSTOMER webhooks:

nameThe name registered on the account
documentThe document registered on the account
bankAccountNumberIf an account is approved the webhook will contain the number of this new account